

The Netspend API provides the Transactions feature as a way to lookup and search for transactions that have occurred in the Netspend system. The two main endpoint uses are:

  • Lookup a specific transaction based on information from one of the transaction related webhook events:
    • transaction.completed
    • transaction.partially_settled
    • transaction.pended
    • transaction.released
  • Perform a paginated search for transactions using a variety of criteria, such as:
    • Account or card ID (search requires one or the other)
    • Type of account (primary or savings)
    • Status (completed, pending, released, timed out)
    • Type of transaction (ach, fee, p2p_transfer, etc)
    • Direction of transaction (debit, credit)

Sample Flows

Lookup Transaction Details from Webhook Event

The diagram below shows a sample flow for how a partner might make use of the Netspend API to find the details for a transaction for which they have received a webhook event. For more information on webhooks, see Webhook.

Transaction Search

The diagram below shows a sample flow for how a partner might use the Netspend API to look up transactions for an end user, with paged results. In this scenario, an end user is using a partner-developed application to lookup and review her most recent primary spending account transactions. The partner application displays the first 25 transactions initially, and then the remaining 12 after clicking to see more. The transactions are ordered by date, from most to least recent. The same flow can be used to view the person’s savings account transactions by modifying the request to search for savings instead of primary.


Payload data type: "transaction"

WebhookDescriptionWebhook Specification
Transaction CompletedAn account transaction has completedlink
Transaction Partially SettledAn account transaction has been partially settledlink
Transaction PendedAn account transaction has been set to pendinglink
Transaction ReleasedAn account transaction has been set to releasedlink