Release Notes 1.2.0

Netspend API version 1.2.0-20221215

Dec 15 2022

  • Addition of OAuth 2.0 as the method for establishing partner level sessions with the Netspend API.
    • Added:
      • POST /oauth/accesstoken
    • Deprecated:
      • POST /authorization/server_api/access_tokens
      • DELETE /authorization/server_api/access_tokens
  • Ability to specify a reason when closing a card
    • Endpoints affected:
      • POST /cards/{card_id}/close
        • New request body has a “reason” option
  • Addition of "temporary" as a possible Card type
  • Specification of possible values for inbound events
    • POST /accounts/{account_id}/events possible event types:
      • email_address.update_fails_verification
      • login.failed_too_many_times
      • password.change_failure
      • password.changed
      • password.forgot
      • password.reset_failed
      • username.forgot
      • username.reset_failed
  • Close savings endpoint removed
    • POST /accounts/{account_id}/savings/close (removed)
  • Webhook changes
    • Added:
      • card.closed
    • Deprecated:
      • card.expired
    • Corrected:
      • person.document_request.created ==> document_request.created
      • person.document_request.completed ==> document_request.completed
  • P2P header information added
  • Removed "Refer a Friend" endpoints, as they have been sunsetted
  • Some endpoint category reorganization and naming
    • "Top Up" renamed to "External Card Transfers"
    • "Tokens" renamed to "Digital Wallet Tokens"
    • "Image" absorbed into "Payback Rewards"
    • "Document Request" webhooks moved to own category